Python Start

Basic python course which aims to teach main programming skills.
Game dev
PC user
32 classes

About this course

The course is designed for learning Python as the first programming language. Students will learn main data types, logic, loops and will be able to create their own projects like: drawing with turtle, 2d game in Pygame Zero, and console applications.

  • Basic programming
  • Game development with python
  • Console

Project example

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Course results
Create unique games with Pygame Zero
Course results
Use basic programming to build console text games or drawings
Course results
Strong knowledge of basic python syntax and data structures

Nik Calub, 15, studies Python Start

Course curriculum

Module 1. The basics of programming

Lesson 1: Beginning. Introduction to the group and first meeting with the teacher. Students will learn about the learning process for the whole course and will write their first program.

Lesson 2: Variables and operations. Students will learn about main data types in Python and practice using the print statement.

Lesson 3: Entering text and numbers. In this lesson, we will continue to work with string and integer data type, as well as learn how to properly input data in our program.

Lesson 4: Individual projects. Students will create an amazing console bot helper.

Students will learn how to write their first Python programs, will get to know logic operations and main data types.

Module 2. Logic

Lesson 5: More about conditions check. Students will learn how to use logical statements to control the flow of the program.

Lesson 6: Conditional loop While. Students will be introduced to the concepts of loops in programming.

Lesson 7: For loop. Students will continue to learn about loops in python.

Lesson 8: Rock-paper-scissors. Using all the skills acquired, up until this point, students will build their first console game “Rock Paper Scissors”.

Students will learn how to write console games with different conditions and outcomes. For example, the game “Rock paper scissors”.

Module 3. Loops

Lesson 9: Working with the for loop. In this lesson, students will continue practising their skills by writing code which utilizes loops.

Lesson 10: Nested loops. Students will learn about how they can use one statement inside the other (nesting).

Lesson 11: Lists. In this lesson, an advanced data type "list” will be introduced.

Lesson 12: Electronic assistant. Students will make a more advanced bot helper. This bot will be able to store notes as well as set reminders for future tasks.

Students will learn how to write programs with loops and conditions together. The final project is to write an online assistant.

Module 4. Lists and Dictionaries

Lesson 13: More about lists. Students will continue practising writing code with lists.

Lesson 14: Dictionaries. A new data type ‘dictionary’ will be introduced.

Lesson 15: Working on the project. Students will use newly acquired knowledge of dictionaries to build a beautiful labyrinth game. In this text game, you are given a choice of which direction you want to go. The goal of the game is by moving through different rooms, collecting all necessary items and finding an exit.

Lesson 16: Functions. Introduction to the concept of functional programming, functions and how to use them.

Students will learn how to write console chatbots and use list data type.

Module 5. Pygame Zero Introduction

Lesson 17: Pygame zero: acquaintance. Students will learn about pygame zero library and its main features. Students will start building a runner game. Where the main hero is constantly running and avoids obstacles.

Lesson 18: Keyboard and animations. In this lesson, students will add keyboard input to their game and learn how to make funny animation. Students will learn how to control the main hero of the runner game.

Lesson 19: Colliderect and text output. Students will learn how to output text in pygame zero and detect collision between two images. The knowledge of collision will help us to code interaction between the hero and surroundings.

Lesson 20: Creation of the functions. In depth look on how to create and use functions in Python.

Students will get to know how to use functions in Python. As well as learn about the Pygame Zero library, made for building 2d games in Python. They will be able to control sprites with the keyboard and detect collisions between images.

Module 6. Clicker game

Lesson 21: Mouse motion. We will study how to process mouse input in pygame zero. The project of that lesson is a space invaders type game.

Lesson 22: Click processing. We will study how to use click events in our game. With this knowledge, students will add the ability to shoot bullets to their ship.

Lesson 23: Clicker development. Students will start developing a clicker game. A game which is built around the mechanic where you need to click as fast as you can to win.

Lesson 24: Clicker. Skins buying. Students will finish their work on a clicker game. In this lesson, students will add a store and ability to purchase skins for their hero.

Students will build Space Invaders and Animal clicker games, and will learn how to change sprite images.

Module 7. Roguelike game

Lesson 25: Roguelike-game. Students will start building a Roguelike-game, they will create the main game layout and logic. This is a cell based game, where the character moves in a field of tiles and can move in for directions one cell at a time.

Lesson 26: Collidelist method. In this lesson, students will use colledelist method to interact with enemies.

Lesson 27: Preparation for work. Students will begin preparation for their unique individual project in pygame zero.

Lesson 28: Introducing of the functions. Students will start building their projects.

Students will build Roguelike-game with cellular structure and start preparation for their own project.

Module 8. Work on project

Lesson 29: Working on enemies. In this lesson, students will concentrate on making enemies for their game.

Lesson 30: New levels. In this lesson, students will concentrate on developing levels for their game.

Lesson 31: Modification of the game. In this lesson, students will make final adjustments to their projects.

Lesson 32: Graduation

Students will create their own unique project, which they share via HUB and present on the last graduation lesson.

How’s a regular lesson on the Kodland platform?

First Meeting
The student connects to the platform according to the instructions given, gets acquainted with the teacher and the classmates
Hands-on approach
At each lesson, the student learns a new topic, consolidates his knowledge in practice, and then does his homework
Project creation
Mid-course, the student decides on the topic of his or her own project and begins to working on it
Project presentation
The student publishes his or her project online and presents it at the course graduation